God will reward your hard work

If you have faith, you will continue working hard. Because you believe that God will reward your hard work.


It can be discouraging to work when we’re not seeing the results of what we’re doing. It can be frustrating when we are not reaping the fruits of our labor and perseverance.

Some of us have given up on our dreams. Some of us have stopped acting, making a sales call, sending a proposal or a job application, or writing a book.

Some of us have lost faith — in ourselves, in our dreams, and even in God.

For six months, I thought of giving up on writing (again) and just focus on my day job.

Aside from having more responsibilities at my job, I was also feeling discouraged because I wasn’t seeing the results that I was hoping for. I wasn’t seeing the growth in my blog’s readership and my mailing list.

But I realized that if I truly trusted God, I would keep working on my dream and keep writing.

Because if I truly have faith in Him, I would trust that He rewards hard work.

Maybe we’re not yet seeing the results. Maybe we’re not yet reaping the fruits of our hard work.

But, let us work hard anyway — hoping and trusting that God will reward the work of our hands.

Are you feeling stuck, discouraged, or hopeless? Keep working anyway.

Have faith and show it through your actions.

Our rewards will come in His perfect time.

In His perfect time.

May the favor of the Lord our God be ours. Prosper the work of our hands! Prosper the work of our hands! — Psalm 90:17